Atari 7800 Plus retro gaming console is out now (Image: ATARI)
Every week it feels like a new must-have gadget is released. , while this week it’s the turn of the Atari 7800+.
Similar to last year’s , the Atari 7800+ is compatible with most of your old 2600 and 7800 cartridges.
That’s on top of newly released Atari cartridges like Mr Run and Jump, Ninja Golf and Berzerk.
The Atari 7800+ has a November 29 release date, which means with next day delivery you can get hold of one this weekend.
Better yet, the Atari 7800+ is available from GAME for less than £100. Just click the link below to order one for yourself.
If you don’t have any old Atari games knocking around, then you’ll be pleased to hear that the Atari 7800+ comes with a free game.
Bentley Bear’s Crystal Quest is a colourful platform game in which players must visit different realms to retrieve stolen crystals.
The Atari 7800+ also comes with a wireless Atari controller with an authenic design.
It launches alongside a selection of new Atari re-releases, including Asteroids Deluxe, M-Network Collection, Berzerk 7800 and Bounty Bob Strikes Back.
That’s on top of shooter Space Duel, Frenzy, and the three game collection of Epyx Games.
A 2600 cartridge, Epyx Games contains Summer Games, Winter Games and California Games.
Another new release that’s well worth playing is Caverns of Mars, which was one of the most recent titles to get a Recharged makeover.
The 2600 version sees players descend into the caverns, using bombs to clear the path.
“In 4014, Earth and Mars are locked in brutal war,” reads the official description.
“Martians have devised a strategy to end the conflict by destroying Earth’s Terra IV planet. To sabotage this plan, you must skillfully navigate your HELICON X space fighter through the catacombs, activate the NegaBombs and escape to the surface!”