recieved immense backlash from viewers as he clashed with pub landlord Micheal Westwood.
On Wednesday, the businessman joined Ed and to dicuss which called for a as well as ‘s reponse to .
However, the discussion quickly turned into a grilling as the former politican questioned Michael’s alignment with the .
Michael claimed: “The current government told a pack of lies to get into power and I don’t think they should be allowed to sit back and go ‘too many people, I don’t care.’ How’s that right?”
As Ed chimed in, viewers quickly took to social media and argued that he shouldn’t have been part of the conversation due to his marriage to Labour’s , including @mic40575 who penned: “Why is Ed balls allowed to debate the petition? He’s clearly biased.”
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Ed Balls grilled Michael Westwood on GMB (Image: ITV)
A second viewer @mediterranedan argued: “@ITV Ed should NOT be a presenter on here as he is married to a member of the cabinet and is clearly biased!”
A fuming @TihoK raged: “Can Ed balls just shut up and let the man speak. We all know how bias he is married to a member of the government. He should also stop smirking.”
As @JamieAdStories stated: “Watching Ed Balls try to be neutral makes me feel sick. He is married to the Home Secretary for goodness sake.”
Ed asked Michael: “You said a moment ago ‘things change,’ when I asked you about promising , you said ‘I know but things change, things come along like the pandemic and that changes it.’
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Michael Westwood launched the viral petition calling for a General Election (Image: ITV)
“Who decides when it’s okay to break a promise and when it’s not okay to break a promise other than the voters in a general election, should that be decided by the courts, by you, by petition or by general elections?”
As the pub owner responded: “I’m not politician, I never claimed to be a politician,” the broadcaster hit back: “But you’re having a big political impact, its a great debate, I’m just wondering who do you think should decide.”
“We’ll see because there’s no way we’re getting a general election,” Michael stated.
Prime Minister during his Monday interview on ITV’s and admitted he was “not surprised” some people who did not support his party might want a second poll.
He said: “Look, I remind myself that very many people didn’t vote Labour at the last election.
“I’m not surprised that many of them want a rerun. That isn’t how our system works.
Speaking to Cat Deeley and Andi Peters, Starmer continued: “There will be plenty of people who didn’t want us in in the first place.
“So, what my focus is on is the decisions that I have to make every day.”