There are calls for older drivers to face ‘cognitive’ assessments (Image: Getty)
Motorists have rejected calls for older drivers and pensioners over the age of 80 to stay on the road
A staggering 73.2% – a whopping 17,352 respondents – said individuals should not undergo further testing when they reach the milestone.
The study was conducted through between November 1 and 27, collecting 23,717 answers.
It comes after a coroner admitted older drivers above the age of 80 to keep hold of their past 80.
A Fatal Accident Inquiry (FAI) report into the death of three-year-old Xander Irvine suggested older motorists should undergo a “short initial cognitive assessment”.
Some have blasted the concept as ‘ageist’ (Image: Getty)
This and would be required to renew a driving licence and stay on the road.
Some motorists were quick to slam the concept as “ageist” and demanded that tests be handed out for “free” if a new rule was introduced.
One Express reader posted: “Interesting concept, not sure how this cognitive test would be administered, or by whom?
“Equally it would have to be free of charge I think, otherwise it could be construed as being ageist and unfair to a person of age whose income is at least half that of a full-time living wage recipient at current levels.”
@rjto added: “There are ‘problem drivers’ in all age groups so why pick on one group purely on their age? As an ex instructor all groups need assessment at some time because some drivers get too over confident!”
Express reader @LittleLucy wrote: “I am pleased it’s a resounding no. What are the statistics I wonder? The ones that say how many are injured on the roads by older drivers? Hmmm.”
@Lab remarked: “Again knock the elderly over 80 an eye test and also test [for] dementia etc… But elderly not always to blame.”
However, the poll found that almost a quarter of those surveyed backed the idea of tests for older motorists.
Analysis of the results found that 23.3% of those taking part in the test do believe those over 80 should be retested, around 5,500 people.
Meanwhile, just 3.5% of respondents, just 832 people, said they were unsure of their opinion either way.
Those backing the idea of a driving test or medical pointed out the safety advantages with some elderly motorists who would be affected by the rule even backing the concept.
@YorkshireLass59 commented: “I think that re-testing every few years after 75 is a good idea, especially as the amount of cars on the road increases.”
Meanwhile, @annecrowe43 remarked: “Absolutely. I’m old and not arrogant enough to think that my vision is the same as when I was 40.
“Moreover, most of us after 80 are on some medication or another and some may have our reflexes slowing down.”