The riddle has been leaving people confused (stock photo) (Image: Getty)
Get ready to give your brain a serious workout with this head-scratcher!
Riddles have been stumping us since time immemorial, pushing us to think creatively and pay close attention to every word to crack them wide open.
They’re not just entertaining; and other puzzles serve as excellent mental gymnastics that give the brain a workout and help keep our minds as sharp as can be.
Engaging in puzzles is known to significantly boost cognitive functions and is even touted to delay memory issues that tend to crop up as we age. Beyond that, these perplexing conundrums can sharpen our problem-solving capabilities and focus.
But there’s one riddle now making waves on , leaving folks scratching their heads in bewilderment as they struggle to find the answer. Do you think you can solve it?
A video upload by Holden Davenport on lays out this latest : “There’s a woman in a boat on a lake wearing a coat. If you want to know her name it’s in the riddle I just wrote.”
It may seem baffling at the outset, given that all you’ve got are two simple lines that rhyme. But fear not – the riddle does indeed have an answer for those persistent enough to find it. All you have to do is find the woman’s name.
In Holden’s video, the woman he challenged with the riddle was left scratching her head in confusion. She was adamant that there wasn’t a name hidden within the sentences he recited, leaving her clueless about the solution.
Yet, Holden maintained that there was indeed an answer to be found. The woman’s guesses included “boat” and “coat,” but Holden clarified that the riddle’s solution was an “actual name”. It takes some lateral thinking, but a name does lurk within the riddle.
The correct answer to Holden’s is “Theresa”. By merging the first two words of the riddle, “There’s a” transforms into the name Theresa, albeit with a different pronunciation.
Commenters on the video suggested that the puzzle might have been simpler for the woman to crack if she had seen it in writing, as hearing it spoken doesn’t quite convey the trick due to pronunciation differences.
Some also noted additional names hidden in the riddle, such as “Nina” from “woman in a” and even “Ana Lake” from “on a lake”.
Nonetheless, Theresa is the definitive solution to the riddle. One viewer commented: “Theresa woman in a boat … I mean, I get it, but I also don’t get it. And it only would make sense if you were reading the riddle.”
Another remarked: “Theresa. This type of riddle should be given written though.”