Check out a TikTok of the laundry spray in action.
Promising review: “For whatever reason, I am ALWAYS spilling things on my shirts and I cook every night (sometimes I remember the apron, sometimes I don’t). My clothes are a mess by the end of the day. I’m not proud of it, but there it is. I have tried EVERYTHING there is to remove stains and this is the absolute BEST thing out there. (There is simply not a major stain remover that I have not tried.) The only thing close is a long pre-soak (I mean like six hours) in Oxyclean. With Puracy, you get the best result by doing it well in advance, but for me that is another plus because I would far rather spray them when I put them in the hamper than do it all at once just before I do the laundry. It seems to get everything out and I’ve never had any trouble with damaged fabric. I don’t really review very much, but this is seriously outstanding.” — NYC Buyer
Promising review: “Super easy to install and cut down all light from my TV’s LED indicator after two stickers — plus, I can still use the remote, no problem! This made my life so much better with just a sticker. Definitely recommend!” — Em
Mouthwatchers is a small business established by Ronald Plotka, DDS, that specializes in antimicrobial toothbrushes designed to get deeper cleans even patients with “great” dental hygiene might miss with traditional brush and floss routines.
Promising review: “I normally don’t feel compelled to write reviews for products. With that said, this is the best toothbrush I have ever used in my entire life. Using this toothbrush feels like I am rubbing velvet on my teeth. This toothbrush literally improved my quality of life.” — Travis Haddock
Dr. Tung’s is a US-based small biz that specializes in oral care products.
Promising review: “I had a tool similar to this years ago but it was plastic and shaped a little differently and I just didn’t see much results so I didn’t stick with using it. But this tongue scraper is by far above and beyond anything I have used in the past. The immediate results were disgusting, which in this case is a good thing ;-). I’m very happy with the quality of product and the way in which this handy little tool performs. An added plus is the cute travel bag which comes with your purchase. Solid purchase!” — Lyra18
Get it from Amazon for $8.99 (also available in multipacks).
Promising review: “Wonderful and has literally changed my life for the better!! I have some darker hair in the mustache area, and have been plucking and waxing those things for years!! Saw these on the Momfessionals blog and decided to go against everything that I had ever been told for 30-plus years. … I decided to shave that mustache!!! It has made my life so much better! Have been doing this for about a month and only have to about once a week. If you’re on the fence, go for this. Don’t waste another second waxing or plucking. I do clean the blade after each use with a little rubbing alcohol!! Get this to make your life easier. Also, my hair is no thicker than it was before (when I waxed and plucked)…so go for it!!” — Jonathan
ChooMee is a small biz based in Northern California that specializes in innovative products to solve everyday feeding challenges.
Promising review: “It’s made my life better. I can hand over a pouch to my screaming 1.5-year-old in the carseat while driving and not worry about puree getting everywhere!” — Puking Kitty Gravy Boat
Promising review:“I have never reviewed an Amazon product before, but this product has made my life so much better. I had tried vitamins, different shampoos, increased water intake, and nothing gave me results for a healthier, less itchy scalp like this product has. I’m thankful to have it!” — Megan
It fits any phone up to seven inches diagonally, and you can also use it to keep your ID and money from getting wet!
BuzzFeed Shopping writer Emma Lord says,”It’s also a great fix for keeping out sand and dirt (and a great option for runners, if you’re caught in the rain but still want to be able to toggle through your music options).”
Promising review: “I purchased this case in July for an upcoming canoe trip with a friend, and as luck would have it, we flipped our canoe. Being the rebel that I am, I chose not to wear my phone around my neck, and so it, my ID, and my debit card ended up at the bottom of the river and I just assumed it would be discovered a thousand years from now and placed in a museum as an ancient artifact. Fast-forward to this week. I was contacted via FB by an Alachua County Sheriff’s Office diver and guess what he found? Yup, my phone case with all of the contents intact and dry as a bone! He had to cut the case open, but there was not one single drop of water in it and he ended up purchasing a case for himself because he was just that impressed!” — Julie McDonald
It also can help tighten the appearance of eye wrinkles if you’d prefer for them not to be as noticeable. And here’s a tip! It reduces puffiness faster if used after refrigeration.
Promising review: “Say goodbye to puffiness in seconds. I saw this on a BuzzFeed article and thought it was so cute. I’ve used Clinique and It Cosmetics eye creams and they are great but this is different. I like this more for morning/pre-makeup. It absorbs in literal seconds! And it gets rid of puffiness super quickly. This is perfect for mornings. This is my new holy grail eye cream. A few swipes on the eye lip and under the eye and I’m good to go. No tapping in.” — ChrisTb
Promising review: “Where has this stuff been in all of my 46 years! Cleaned my stove like is wasn’t even dirty! I simply put a small amount on my sponge and attacked the baked-on crud! It came off easily with just a small amount of elbow grease. 💪🏼 Nothing like I normally have to do with spraying stinky, fuming oven cleaner and letting it sit, scrub, and then repeating over and over until it’s clean! This has made my life so much better! Now off to tackle the hard water spots and soap scum in the shower!!” — Jenny
Check out this TikTok of the Folex carpet spot remover to see it in action!
Promising review: “There are products that you love and buy again. And then there are products that you love and can’t live without. And then above that, are a few select products that you revere and hold with the highest honor. Folex is that product. I have used Folex for years and it works wonders on everything from spilt coffee, wine, and dog messes, without any chemical smells or residue. But my love for Folex grew so much deeper when I dropped a 32-ounce jar of salsa down the stairs. My husband took one look and declared that the stairs were ruined and would need to be replaced. I took a look, grabbed the Folex and said, ‘We’ve got this.‘ If you have children, pets or are very clumsy with your canned goods, you need this bulk-size jug in your arsenal of cleaning supplies.” — Carobnty
Promising review: “I love the variety of scents that linger long enough to work for the purpose intended. I love giving them as gifts!!!” — AML
Promising review: “I keep chuckling about how much this simple, inexpensive device has improved my life. Instead of struggling to cut pills in half and sending tiny particles scattering all over the place — I press down one quick time and POOF! The pill is cut almost exactly in half with little or no stray particles. I LOVE this little thing. LOL.” — J.Ro
Promising review: “Found it on TikTok and I’m so pleased with the results. My nails are getting stronger and growing. And the best of all, not chipping. Love it.” — sidna saavedra
Check out a TikTok of the key rock in action.
Promising review: “This fake rock was exactly what I had been hoping to find. It blends in extremely well with the rock from my landscaping, and the key fits inside perfectly. The slide on the bottom was very easy to close as well. I definitely recommend it!” — P Gilroy
Promising review: “It does what it says: extends your bra fit for comfort and to reduce bra lines in back. It does not stretch (I found the stretchy ones didn’t provide enough support). These are very soft and comfortable. I didn’t realize how important that was until I ordered a different brand and they were torture — itchy and stiff and awful, even after washing. I ditched them and immediately reordered this brand so I’d always have enough on hand!” — McNally16
Promising review: “Since I started using these clips, I haven’t had to pull up my straps a single time! I used to have to pull them back up a dozen times a day. No more. Now I can put on my bra and then just forget that it is there. I don’t notice any change in the fit of my bra. I wear a large cup size and the last thing I wanted was to add to that. However, with the straps fully extended on my bra, I find the fit to be essentially the same as before. The only difference is that the straps stay in place. If you’ve ever struggled to keep your straps up, you owe it to yourself to try this product.” — K. Howe
Promising review: “This stuff works like magic. I’m 33 and I’ve dealt with bad back acne since I was a teenager. After one week of using this, my back is night and day different. Just remember to not wash it off immediately. Let it sit on your skin for about two minutes for it to work. — Filburt_Turtle
Promising review: “Folks. Buy it. This is like head lice treatment. If you are looking at it and thinking about it, YOU NEED IT. And this stuff. Is. Awesome. Literally, chunks of ear wax came out of my ear holes the SIZE OF CORN KERNELS. Where was this coming from? Why is my body making so much wax? Where was it being stored because I did NOT think ear canals were that spacious, but apparently there are some storage closets in there or something because HOLY MARY MOTHER OF GOD the ear nuggets are real. My ears feel so squeaky clean! And get this, my hair makes sounds. Like I put it up in a hair tie afterwards, and I could HEAR MY HAIR MOVING ON MY HEAD. What is that?! Seriously?! If you also did not know that moving hair creates a sound, you need to buy this product ASAP.” — Samantha
Promising review: “I get a spray tan every week and removing it is my least favorite part of the process. Previously, I have used “exfoliate gloves” which result in scrubbing at my skin for 30 minutes, just to leave it patchy & still in tact. I used this product for the first time this evening… WOW. The entire process took 10 minutes, fully removed my tan, and left my skin feeling so soft. I wish I would have purchased this sooner and would recommend to anyone in the same situation!” — Kristin De Stefano
Promising review: “This tape works wonders. I am trying to get a recent move paid off, so I really couldn’t afford to replace screens at this point, even if I did them myself. This tape made all the difference in my house. I no longer had to leave the windows closed worrying about sitting on the couch with fly swatter in hand, or watching my cats zoom around the house trying to catch them, and knocking everything over in the process.” — MsRich2U
New parents, don’t panic. Cradle cap — aka seborrheic dermatitis — is a very common dry scalp condition that affects infants.
Promising review: “The pictures posted here are legit. It makes removal so much easier and gives more consistent removal than my previous method of washcloths or just scratching the cradle cap off with my fingernails. It’s amazing and gross and wonderful. My babe doesn’t even flinch when I spend 10 minutes clearing his scalp of all the goo. It seems to be soothing to him. I just apply baby shampoo, then brush a little with the blue brush. Then I slowly start to comb in sections all in one direction. Then I go back and forth in different directions. It’s shocking the amount of dead skin that comes off. I’ve even used it successfully in his eyebrows (he gets some cradle cap there, too). This is a KEEPER!” — ZMomUtah
Promising reviews: “My 3-year-old’s favorite activity had become shutting our cats in rooms so they could not get out, leading us to have to stop what we were doing to come to the rescue and answer their cries for freedom dozens of times a day. These are sturdy, fit snugly, hold up to attempted slammings — they do the job! Maybe a little overpriced for some pieces of foam, but whatever — they’ve made my life so much better, I’d buy them all over again!” — Mandy
Promising review: “Saw on TikTok (don’t judge) and automatically added to cart. So easy to use, takes probably a minute to fully bubble up and clean, and you’re left with a clean sink! I use with other drain cleaning products, but would 100% recommend for weekly maintenance.” — Jessica House
See it in action on TikTok here.
Promising review: “Mosquitoes love me. I have yet to find a topical that actually helps and as much as I hated to spend $10 on this thing, it might be the best $10 I’ve ever spent. This thing actually works and has already saved me much itchy misery. It’s easy to use and you don’t need to use it immediately after the bite in order to get some relief (better if it’s soon I’d say, but I’ve also used it hours later and it helps!).” — KrisinCO
Promising review: “New holy grail! These sponges are amazing! I’ve been buying the Beauty Blender for years, and as you all know, they are $20 for just one. An aunt of mine had ordered these, and I tried one and was amazed by the quality. These are my new go-to everyday sponge. I love them!! You get five for half the price of a Beauty Blender. These double in size when wet, and they apply foundation flawlessly…so if you are debating, just buy them! You won’t be disappointed 😊” — tsAileen S
Promising review: “My grill accumulated a lot of crud as a result of many cookouts. I tried to keep it as clean as possible with a wire brush and various cleaning pads and cleaners. I never could get the rack and grates to look like new. There was always a layer of permanent food residue, carbon, and other debris that defied removal. I decided to give the Magic Stone Grill Cleaner a shot. Surprise! Surprise! This is truly a magic stone. It removed everything from the grill parts that I worked on and left them looking like new. The cleaning process did put grooves in the bottom of the stone and that helped to get the sides cleaned off as well.” — Duffer.
Promising review: “I bought it hoping my elderly cat would stop pestering me constantly to brush him. It was the best money ever spent. He took to it immediately and spent 10 minutes after I installed it just brushing himself. He loves it and is happy, so I’m happy.” — allison
For more info on how to use acupressure for nausea management, check out this guide from the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.
Promising review: “I have gotten car sickness for as long as I can remember, even as a child. I am 40 now. I was recently asked to go on a road trip which included day travel, busy city and mountains. (Sun, stop-and-go traffic, and winding roads are all triggers for sickness). I hesitated. It was then recommended by a family member to try these. With hesitation, I bought them and wore them the entire time. I did not feel nauseous ONE time. My boyfriend even pointed out on the way home that I was on my phone and not sick. (Reading anything while riding has ALWAYS been a no go!) I was able to look out the window and enjoy the scenery (typically I can only look at the road as looking outside the window makes me sick). These will literally change my life as I can now enjoy traveling by car!!” — Sarah Martinez
This personal makeup assistant comes in three different finishes — matte, dewy, and plump. Fun fact: The reviewer in the second photo said they worked a 12-hour shift bartending and thanks to this setting spray, their makeup still looked fabulous.
Promising review: “Such a great product at an awesome price point. My makeup stays on all day without slipping and this product has become a holy grail makeup essential for me. Especially in the hot summer months, I can really tell the difference in how well my makeup stays on with this product. Really impressed and would recommend it to all my friends and family..” — Cathryn Scharfenberg
Promising reviews: “Got these, and my life has improved. Wires stay handy. Gave a few to my son, and he’s happy, too.” — Kindle reader
“Love these! This solved the problem of unplugging something (iPad, phone, etc.) and having the cord fall off my nightstand. Such a small thing, but it really helps keep things organized — especially if it’s something you leave plugged in.” — D. Davies-Uttech
Quick & Clean is a small business that specializes in coffee machine cleaning products.
Promising review: “I had no idea that cleaning a Keurig was a thing. I bought these because I saw them on TikTok, believe it or not. I wanted to give it a go because my Keurig isn’t that old and I didn’t think it would do anything. IT WORKS SO WELL! My Keurig wasn’t as nasty as some I’ve seen, lucky. I would highly recommend, keeps everything running correctly and clean.” — Lauren