A bombshell twist involving Audrey Roberts is set to shake the foundations of , spelling bad news for her daughter Gail.
Sue Nicholls has played the soap legend since 1979 and has been central to numerous major storylines.
Currently, the show is gearing up for the departure of Gail Platt, played by Helen Worth, after the actress announced her decision to leave the serial drama in June, citing it as the “perfect time”.
Helen Worth, 73, first appeared on the show in 1974 as Gail Platt, who quickly became a fan favorite. The soap legend finished filming earlier this month, with her exit scheduled to air during the festive season. However, it’s set to be a far-from-peaceful Christmas for the Platts.
According to new boss Kate Brooks, Christmas will be “very fun” and “really lively”, but also warned that “lots of bombshells are dropped”. Kate Brooks revealed that the storyline revolves around Gail Platt’s potential wedding to Jesse Chadwick, but refused to confirm whether the wedding would go ahead.
Gail is set to betray her daughter (Image: ITV)
Elaborating on the plot, Kate said, “You’ve got the Platts at the heart of it, you’ve got David and Shona, and David has made massive mistakes. This goes on to have massive consequences and Shona hits that self-destruct behaviour.”, reports .
“And [she] makes some really terrible judgement calls but what is important for me about David and Shona is that they can both really mess up but that love that they have is so strong.”
However, it’s not just David who is deceiving his dear mother. Gail’s own mum Audrey will also “betray” her in forthcoming scenes.
The soap legend has had her fair share of big storylines (Image: ITV)
“All those secrets come to the forefront on Christmas Day, so you basically have Gail – who’s going to leave the street – in the run-up to Christmas she has found out that some of her nearest and dearest have absolutely betrayed her,” Kate disclosed.
Kate then revealed how Audrey also plays a role in Gail’s betrayal. She stated: “She [Gail] doesn’t know who to believe, even her dear old mum has kind of lied to her and she really struggles with that.”
“And she’s a bit like ‘I don’t know whether I want this, I don’t know whether I want to be with Jesse'” Kate further added.
airs Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8pm on ITV1 and ITVX
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