Death is not always easy to talk about, but it’s so important to do (Image: Getty)
It is not easy to talk about death.
Day-to-day life is busy and moves at a pace that leaves little room to ponder the heavier questions. Also, it can feel easier and kinder to stay away from the big topics as they can be scary and sad.
But when you do find the time and right headspace to properly spend a good moment with these big questions – questions about your own mortality and what happens when your time comes – then you may well realise that there is good reason to act.
A consumer study conducted in September and October 2024 on behalf of showed that the majority of people over the age of 45 see funeral plans as a good way to save loved ones from the hassle of arranging their funeral, save money by fixing the cost of a funeral and also to get the funeral they want.
Having those tough conversations can be very rewarding (Image: Getty)
In grappling with the idea of your own death and taking proactive measures, you could save your nearest and dearest a lot of heartache. While no amount of saved money can end the grieving process for someone you truly love, knowing that those you’re closest to are as well looked after as possible is a comforting thought for all.
Many of those surveyed hadn’t yet made the next step and taken out a funeral plan.
Of those who have already purchased a funeral plan, they did it for one or more of the following reasons…
• To make sure loved ones didn’t have to pay for their funeral
• To make sure loved ones didn’t have the hassle of arranging their funeral
• To put their affairs in order
• To fix the cost at current prices
• Worried about the rise in funeral costs
• To make sure they got the funeral they wanted
Not everyone wants a traditional funeral or the costs associated with a grand funeral plan.If you find yourself in that camp, then a direct cremation funeral plan might be for you. offers simple, affordable funeral plans from £1,699.
Owning their own state-of-the-art mortuary facility and more than 40 crematoriums across the UK, each and every funeral service is delivered by caring, dedicated professionals with many years of experience and expertise.
And what’s more, if you buy before 1 December, you’ll secure your plan for up to £200 less as you’ll have locked in the cost before their plan prices rise.