Main differences compared to UK and US supermarkets as explained by an American (Image: Getty)
There are many differences compared to the UK and the USA with many hilarious social media videos highlighting these.
An American gave his thoughts on things you could not find in US – with one difference being a real shock to him.
user explained in his video how living in London has impacted him particularly when it comes to grocery shopping.
In the video, kjordyy began with Sainsbury’s Smart Shopper and marvelled at the amount of trust involved in such a set up.
The second difference he mentions relates to drinks. He described how soft drinks in the UK are much paler looking compared to the US, joking that they are not “radioactive like ours”.
TikTok user kjordyyy was most grossed out with the UK pastry section (Image: Getty)
In the video he also marvelled at how Sainsbury’s supermarkets often have a , calling it the “GOAT”.
He described UK as being a “mini Amazon”, saying: “If there’s anything you need, it’s 90% in Argos”.
Brits love for a good sausage also stumped the American with whole sections dedicated to just them (Image: Getty)
The craziest aspect he encountered in British supermarkets, however, and the one that grossed him out the most, was the pastry sections.
He said: “If you want to, you can just grab one by yourself and put it in a bag.
“The fact that these pastries are exposed to the elements always grossed me out a bit”, adding: “You do get used to it though”.
And when it comes to products in UK supermarkets, the Brits’ love for sausages continues to stump him with the amount of selection of peas available also being an unusual notion for an American.
In the video he asked a fellow American also living in the UK what she thought was the weirdest thing at British grocery stores, to which she answered, squash and how much Brits are obsessed with it.
She added: “The obsession with sausages, there’s like a whole section just for sausages”.
User kjordyyy strongly agreed with this even ending the video asking: “Why do ya’ll like sausages so much?”