I’m A Celebrity’s Ant McPartlin takes swipe at ‘passive aggressive’ Alan Halsall

I’m A Celeb host Ant McPartlin has branded Alan Halsall “passive aggressive” during his spat with Dean McCullough on the show.

The tension between Radio 1’s Dean and ‘s Alan was palpable as they had a fiery exchange on I’m a Celeb over how the actor woke Dean up.

During an Live session with Dec, the topic of camp tension came up. Dec queried: “Can we talk about the first little bit of tension in the camp,” prompting Ant to respond: “What would you have done, would you have kicked off?

“Alan was kind of OK about it, but he had a little bit of passive aggressiveness back as well, didn’t he?”.

Ant also commented on Dean’s reaction: “I wouldn’t stand for any of that… I would be like ‘shut-up’.”

Dean, who had been taking a nap, was roused by camp leader Alan for his chore of gathering firewood with Loose Women’s Jane Moore, reports .

Alan Halsall and Dean McCullough

Dean and Alan clashed on I’m A Celeb but later made up with each other (Image: ITV/REX/Shutterstock)

When Dean barely moved, Alan questioned him: “You don’t fancy it? No? ” Eventually, Alan assisted Jane himself due to camp rules prohibiting her from doing the task alone.

Dean caught up later and indicated Alan could “go back now”.

Alan explained his gentle approach: “I was trying to wake you up as soft as I could,” leading Dean to retort: “Listen to me. If you’re going to wake me up, you need to give me a minute, alright? “.

Dean added, explaining his grogginess: “It takes me a couple of minutes for my contact lenses to get back working again, all right?”.

“So you don’t need to turn around to me and say: ‘Do you not fancy it? ‘ OK? And then turn around and walk away.”

Dean then repeatedly asked Alan to “listen” to him, with the latter explaining: “I didn’t say it how you think I meant it, but if you took it that way, then I apologise.”

The actor confirmed he was not trying to have a dig at the radio DJ, to which Dean said he understood but that he felt he “didn’t get a chance to respond”.

Dean later said in the Bush Telegraph: “I opened my eyes and wee Tyrone from is like: ‘Come on, mate, you need to go down to the bottom of the creek.’

'I'm a Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here!

Radio DJ Dean on I’m a Celebrity…Get Me Out of Here! (Image: ITV/REX/Shutterstock)

“He didn’t even give me a chance to say yes or no because he went: ‘You don’t fancy it? No? ‘ and ran. He was being a real camp leader.

“I was like: ‘Whoa, whoa, whoa don’t dig me out like that.’ And I had to say to him: ‘If you’re going to say: ‘Don’t fancy it? ‘ – give me a chance’.

“Because, of course, I fancy it. I want to help Jane. I went straight down and helped her.”

Dean was later seen apologising to Jane before joining her in carrying the wood for the campfire.

In his own Bush Telegraph moment, Alan said: “It was a flippant comment, I’m sorry if you took it in the wrong way. Wasn’t actually meant like that, it was just a bit of a joke.”

“If I was asleep and you woke me up, I won’t fancy it either.”

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