Lawn job that must be done now to avoid ‘suffocating and damaging grass’ (Image: Getty)
The landscape all around us has a beautiful brown and orange quilt, which gives us a feeling of the year coming to a close with winter just around the corner.
The fallen leaves on the garden beds and borders are fine to settle and rot into the soil.
However, the leaves on the lawn must be raked up so they don’t suffocate and damage the lawn grass.
A quilt of fallen leaves left on the lawn grass for many months can increase the risk of grass diseases and thin out the grass, this in turn leads to a patchy lawn in springtime.
Once you’ve raked the leaves off the lawn place them into bags and let them rot away to become a compost and mulch to use on your beds and borders in the coming year or two.
The leaves are full of goodness so are ideal to use as a soil improving mulch.
The leaves of past seasons are used to boost plants of the future, that’s a very satisfying feeling for us gardeners.
If you would like to order a leaf rake and garden tools, please visit and use my promo code 24TOM10 to get 10 percent off your order.
Alternatively, gardeners can head to .
Please do follow me on Instagram and TikTok @garden_with_tom for more seasonal gardening advice and tips.