Households can use a heated blanket to stay warm for 2p an hour (Image: PA)
Energy bills are going up again and it’s freezing outside with more snow on the way.
With Ofgem raising prices another 1.2 percent from January, on top of the 10 percent rise we’ve already had in October, and this winter already colder and snowier than the last, many households will be scrambling to try to reduce their energy bills and avoid turning on the thermostat wherever possible.
often espouses the benefits of ‘heat the human, not the home’, to those worried about their and one of the easiest and cosiest ways to do that is with an electric blanket.
Sam Morris, heating expert at Which? says: “One of the cheapest ways we’ve found to keep yourself cosy is to wrap up in an electric blanket.
“Our tests have found they typically cost between 2p to 6p an hour to run on their highest setting – much cheaper than the average fan heater.
“This means that if you used an electric blanket for three hours a night, every night, for half the year, the cheapest-to-run options would only cost about £11 in total, versus £33 for the most expensive.
“You can reduce the cost further by setting the blanket to a lower setting, or turning it off sooner. The blanket will still remain warm for a couple of hours after turning the power off, so you feel the benefit without the cost ticking up.”
Heated blankets can cost as little as 2p an hour to run (Image: PA)
The best and cheapest electric blankets to buy
The has 10 time settings and 6 heat settings for just £44 from Amazon. It also has an 8-hour auto shut-off, so you can set it to turn off once you’re sound and snug asleep.
has nine heat settings, a remote and is super soft. It also has a three year warranty and is machine washable. It’s also available at
but this one is extra large, and doubles up as a micro fleece. It has a 10 hour timer and ten heat setings, as well as a remote so you can change the settings without getting up, and is machine washable.
The poshest of the lot, t for the single bed version but has a five minute fast heat up, remote control which is detachable, is mashince washable and is made from Italian cotton.