Hundreds of thousands have COPD but it is undiagnos (Image: Getty)
A medical expert has shed light on a condition that leaves sufferers ‘gasping for air’, with an estimated 600,000 people in the UK undiagnosed. As the nation battles ‘the lurgy’, marked by runny noses, coughs and severe headaches, the impending snowfall could exacerbate symptoms of a more serious illness – chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
Those with respiratory conditions like COPD or severe asthma are particularly vulnerable to cold weather, experiencing increased breathlessness and coughing. Asthma + Lung UK reports nearly two million people in the UK live with COPD.
Dr Andy Whittamore, GP and clinical lead at Asthma + Lung UK, revealed: “There are 1.7 million people living with COPD in the UK, with a further 600,000 showing symptoms of the disease but struggling to get a diagnosis, Recent survey data shows that less than 1 in 10 people with a diagnosis are getting the right levels of care.”
Dr Raj Chaggar, GP at Nuffield Health Leeds Hospital, clarified: “Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is an umbrella term used to describe a group of chronic lung conditions that obstruct airflow and make breathing more difficult,” These include chronic bronchitis and emphysema.
Dr Chaggar has highlighted the stark differences between chronic bronchitis and emphysema, two forms of COPD often confused with asthma. “Chronic bronchitis is characterised by inflammation of the airways, leading to persistent coughing and excessive mucus production,” he explained.
“Whereas emphysema involves progressive damage to the air sacs (alveoli) and reducing overall lung function.”
Dr Chaggar further clarifies that while both asthma and COPD affect the lungs, they are not identical conditions. “Whilst both are considered [to be] lung disease, there are several differences,” he says.
“Asthma commonly begins in childhood and is often associated with allergies, whereas COPD typically presents in the over 50s and is associated with smoking.”
He also sheds light on the common early symptoms of COPD, which include breathlessness, wheezing, a chronic cough, and frequent winter infections. “A chronic cough is often the first symptom which, over time, becomes more persistent. As COPD progresses, other symptoms may present including fatigue, weight loss, ankle swelling and mental health issues including anxiety and depression.”
The NHS warns that COPD symptoms can escalate from shortness of breath during exercise to waking up at night feeling breathless, alongside a persistent chesty cough with phlegm that stubbornly remains.
The NHS warns that the symptoms of severe chest infections, persistent wheezing, and gasping for air could spell COPD, advising that “The symptoms will usually get gradually worse over time and make daily activities increasingly difficult, although treatment can help slow the progression. Sometimes there may be periods when your symptoms get suddenly worse – known as a flare-up or exacerbation. It’s common to have a few flare-ups a year, particularly during the winter.”
Dr Chaggar sheds light on the causes of COPD: “The majority of COPD cases are linked to smoking, as it irritates and inflames the lungs, leading to scarring, damage to the air sacs and reduced lung elasticity. Even second-hand smoke can contribute to the disease.”
But caution is advised against other factors, with “Long-term exposure to air pollution or occupational hazards like dust and chemical fumes can also damage the lungs and increase the risk of COPD,” according to Dr Chaggar. He warns of indoor pollutants and respiratory infections, stating, “In the developing world, indoor pollutants, such as smoke from cooking or heating fuels are another common trigger.”
Further to this, “Repeated respiratory infections, especially in childhood, may damage lung tissue over time and contribute to the development of COPD,” cautions Dr Chaggar, who also highlights a rare genetic angle: “A rare genetic condition, Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency can also predispose individuals to the disease.”
COPD, the incurable respiratory terror, leaves sufferers gasping for air, but hope is not lost. Dr Whittamore explains: “Although COPD is a chronic condition, if caught early enough, lung damage can be slowed down and it is usually possible to manage the symptoms with the help of inhalers.”
Pulmonary rehabilitation emerges as a potential lifesaver, with Dr Whittamore emphasising its transformative power: “For those that are eligible, pulmonary rehabilitation, a breathing and exercise programme specifically designed for people with lung disease, can be quite a game-changer,” He further notes the importance of proactive measures: “It can get more people on track with understanding their condition and beating their breathlessness.”
To dodge the COPD bullet, experts urge quitting smoking and keeping vaccinations up to date, including influenza and pneumococcal shots, as per Dr Chaggar’s advice: “Staying up to date with vaccinations including influenza and pneumococcal to reduce the risk of infections that could cause lung damage.”
Regular exercise is also touted as a key preventative strategy.