Carl Froch believes the Earth is flat and that NASA faked the moon landings (Image: GETTY)
, one of the finest British boxers of his generation, has explained why he believes the Earth is flat and not round. The 47-year-old is also convinced that nobody has ever actually been to the moon, accusing of faking the landings.It is widely accepted that Neil Armstrong was the first person to walk on the moon when Apollo 11 landed on the lunar surface in 1969. Froch, however, has drawn a very different conclusion after reviewing ‘all of the footage’ and looking at what he claims to be ‘evidence’.”The equipment they used to get up there was as powerful as a Zedec Spectrum, which probably wasn’t that powerful,” he told .
Froch is adamant that everything we know about the landings is a ‘f*****g lie’ (Image: GETTY)
“It was a computer when I was a kid. We can’t get there now, and I think everything we’ve been told about the moon landing [is made up].”When you look at all of the evidence, all the footage, and the fact that they lost all of the telemetric data that tells you that they went to the moon then I would say that we did not go to the moon. Man did not walk on the moon. That was a big f*****g lie.”
Froch added: “Every picture we’ve seen of Planet Earth is a CGI image. So, when I can see an image of the world in its entirety, I’ll start believing in heliocentrism – helio being the sun, centric being in the middle. I used to believe in the geocentric model.
“I don’t believe a lot of the stuff I’m told about the heliocentric model, the sun being in the middle and we orbit around the sun, the Big Bang theory, which is a theory, and also the theory of evolution that we came from apes.”
Froch also discussed his view that the Earth is flat and not round, having openly admitted to believing in the conspiracy theory in the past.
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Asked to clarify his views, he explained: “When you talk about Flat Earth, it gets banned and restricted. They don’t like that chat and that’s when it gets interesting. Why can’t I talk about the heliocentric model being unbelievable?”The speed of light gets around the Earth in three seconds. Planet Earth is around 24,000 [miles] in circumference so if you’re travelling at the speed of light, imagine how far you would get inside an hour.”Froch initially raised eyebrows in 2019 when he claimed the Earth was flat, adding that he would only start believing it was round if he was taken into space to see it for himself.It left people wondering if the Nottingham native was simply on the wind-up, but he confirmed his beliefs were genuine during an appearance on the podcast.When his views were challenged by host Matthew Macklin, Froch replied: “Here’s the problem. I’ve tried to prove, and I challenge anybody listening to this, prove that the Earth is spherical. Prove that it’s round. Prove that it’s actually a globe.”