Care home owner Helen Rose and manager Hannah Copson (Image: Jonathan Buckmaster)
residents are furious after two thugs broke into their garden and stole three of their beloved pet ducks named Pablo, Gary and Dog.
Police are hunting the two thieves after they broke into the birds’ garden shed known to residents affectionately as the “Quack Shack”.
The heartless theft caused great distress as the ducks were hatched from eggs at the home and were so tame they would climb onto people’s laps to be petted and take a snooze.
Outside the trio liked nothing better than splashing around in the paddling pool which was bought especially for them.
One of the suspects appears to be escaping with a stolen duck (Image: Jonathan Buckmaster)
The thieves did not make a clean sweep of the care home flock as they missed Dolly and Tyson who both survived the raid with little more than ruffled feathers.
The villains were caught on CCTV breaking into the grounds of the Hilton Rose care home in Walsall, West Mids on October 22.
The footage is now being examined by officers at West Midlands police who hope to identify the crooks.
Deputy manager Hannah Copson, 41, said: “It really was a rotten shame. What could they possible want with three ducks, we’ve all questioned it?
“They’re hardly worth anything to sell although they were very expensive to buy.
“We bought five eggs that were ready to hatch, an incubator, heat lamp, all the bedding and a run to keep them in as ducklings in April.
“It cost around £300 for the whole package but it was well worth it.
Tyson and Dolly, the two pet ducks the thieves left behind. (Image: Jonathan Buckmaster)
“Many of our residents have been involved in their care since all five of them hatched on the same day which was April 9.
“They had been a real morale booster. We’d let them out whatever the weather and the residents would sit in the window watching what they got up to.
“Inside, they like being petted and made little cheeping sounds when they are at their happiest. They would often fall asleep sitting on the residents’ laps.
“Every night we’d put them to bed in the Quack Shack and let them out in the morning.”
It was when they came to let the ducks out on October 23 that staff found three were missing.
Hannah said: “The night after the theft we found Pablo, Gary and Dog, which is a strange name for a duck but it was chosen by the owner’s grandson, were missing.
“We looked at the CCTV and we could see two young men climb over the gate and come down to the Quack Shack. Then you see them running away with three ducks.
“We’d be really pleased to have them back but we’re not holding out much hope to be honest.
“We just hope the police find these young men and stop them from committing any more crimes.”
The incident is being investigated by West Midlands Police who were contacted for comment.