UFO lights over the Middle East (Image: Captain Van Pangemanan)
A pilot claims he captured “multiple UFOs” swarming around a Boeing jet over Middle East.
Captain Van Pangemanan said on his YouTube channel that the alien’s flashed their lights as though “they wanted to give a message”.
He described how the glowing orbs “danced” around the Boeing 747 in his video filmed from inside the cockpit captured at around 5am.
“We thought the light was a plane, but it wasn’t on our radar,” the pilot said. “Then we thought maybe it was a star, but the stars twinkled quickly and the stars didn’t move.”
The UFOs can be seen swaying or wobbling in midair around the jet, departed from Jeddah in Saudi Arabia, before appearing to go dark or duck into the cloud cover below.
Some on social media have suggested that the light were produced by the Perseid meteor shower, but the captain believes the aliens’ movements were too “various” to be a falling star.
“The light of the UFO in front of us moves freely,” he said. “The UFO light shone for a long time and moved.”
According to Van Pangemanan, the orbs showed up 30 minutes into the flight after “normal take-off and cruising”.
Given that the jet was traveling southwest from Jeddah to Abuja, Nigeria, the UFOs would be pointing in the general direction of the Perseid meteor shower.
During the August peak of the shower, there are as many as 100 shooting stars overhead every hour radiating from the constellation of Perseus.
“We also thought [about] the possibility the light was a satellite,” the captain added, “because right now there are a lot of Starlink satellites that have just been launched by .”
Van Pangemanan asked fans to “figure it out yourself” and identify the flying object. Fellow pilots took to the comments to chime in with their own stories of seeing glowing dancing orbs while on duty.
“I use to fly the 747. I witnessed the same type of light flying over the sea of Japan on the way to Korea,” one pilot, named Paul Bishop, said.
“A month later another pilot told me he witnessed the same thing over the Pacific and another said he saw it over Canada,” he added.