Former sensation Maura Higgins and the Reverend Richard Coles are set to stir things up as they confirmed their entry into
The duo disclosed their plans to join the show on Thursday. Fresh from a raucous Las Vegas party, Maura has landed in Australia, admitting, “Honestly, I’m not good….I feel like I’m in The Hangover, I’ve even got the shakes,” she said with a chuckle.
“I have no clue what time it is, I don’t know where I am. In fact, I’ve done the opposite of preparing myself [for the jungle]. I’ve tried not to think about it, because when I think about it, I get so much anxiety.”
Maura is set to be the second Love Island alum to grace the ITV show after Olivia Attwood, and she’s intent on doing her fellow Islanders proud. “I just don’t want to let people down, because everyone’s been DMing me, saying ‘Oh my God, I hope you’re doing the show.'” she shared.
“I don’t want to back out of the trials and be the biggest wimp in the camp,” reports .
Love Island star Maura Higgins is set to enter the jungle (Image: Getty)
As she gears up to join the camp with Rev Richard Coles as one of the latecomers, she told viewers what they can expect.
“It’s been five years and I think I’ve matured, but I still have a potty mouth,” she admits.
“I’m still the same kind of girl but I’m not going to go in and annihilate anyone. However, if someone gets on my nerves, I’m not really one to hold it in. I do speak my mind. If someone patronised me, I get really irritated. Like, that’s one thing that really drives me mad.”
Reverend Richard Coles has taken an unconventional approach to his jungle prep, indulging in 5000 calories daily on a cruise and steering clear of ‘triggering’ nature documentaries.
Reverend Richard Coles is expected to enter the jungle (Image: Getty)
He quipped: “I would like to say that I’ve been lowering my calorie intake to prepare for that, but that’s not worked out so far. I’ve been trying not to look at nature programs about the horrors of Australia.”
The 62 year old cleric is fretting over his snoring potentially turning his campmates against him.
Yet, Richard is excited about his unique position as the first vicar to brave the jungle. “I don’t think there are many precedents for this, although, vicars have been going into jungles for years and years and years as missionaries.”